Harvard University Health Services

Harvard University Health Services
United States


Our Objectives
Identify and respond to the health care needs of all segments of the Harvard University community—students, faculty, staff, retirees, their dependents, and the University as a whole.
Treat patients with dignity, respect, and compassion, by providing high quality, individualized care and educating our community about ways to improve and maintain well-being. Design services that empower individuals in ways that will enable them to lead healthier lives, act as intelligent, informed consumers of health services, and obtain individualized, state-of-the-art health care when needed. We will also offer the most current information and expertise on health care issues to the University as a whole.
Create an organization that respects and appreciates its most important resource, its staff, by continuing to build a team of committed individuals and providing an organizational environment in which they can advance their knowledge and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Ensure the highest possible quality in all work performed by every member of the organization and remain committed to the continuous improvement and development of a model health care delivery system, as exemplary as the University of which we are a part.
Commit to meeting the community's expectations through intelligent management of all of our resources.
Our Service Commitment
Provide the highest level of service to our community
Recognize dignity and worth in each individual
Take every opportunity to share knowledge with one another
Do our best, as we continually strive to improve

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United States

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